Novisch rugby

**For anyone who wants to try rugby!**
From Tuesday, Sep the 3rd to Thursday, October 24th, the LUGI Lions Rugby Club is organizing introductory training sessions for anyone (18+) who wants to try rugby.
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, experienced coaches will explain the basics of the game and guide you through simple exercises, such as passing (throwing) and catching a rugby ball, following running lines so your teammate can pass to you, tackling, and being tackled. There will also be attention given to touch rugby.
**Practical information:**
**When?** Every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM for six weeks. Start. 3rd of Sep., **Where?** LUGI Lions Rugby Club (on any maps) at Centrala Idrottsplatsen in Lund.
**Footwear:** Rugby is played on grass; football boots or other cleats are recommended!
**Clothing:** Wear comfortable sportswear that allows for free movement. NO hoodies or loose parts that someone can get caught on. Wear multiple layers so you can remove one if you get too warm.
**Note:** Do not wear (smart)watches, jewelry, or piercings during training. Tape piercings with sports tape if they cannot be removed.
**Mouthguards:** Buy a mouthguard. Available at any sports store, in the hockey or martial arts section, Mouthguards at stadium. Bring a water bottle.
**Cost:** Participation in the introductory course costs 600 SEK including club membership allowing you to participate at club events such as crayfish party, end of season dinner etc. You pay the registration fee in cash at the first or second training or swish it to a QR code provided to you by the coach at the training.
** Registration** Sign up via the following link, also in bio.
**Questions** For questions, email, contact us on instagram or facebook or have a look at our website
** Try out** If you are undecided? Sign up anyway, come on the 3rd and try it out, then stay or try again next year.
**After the novisch rugby?** After the introductory training, you can join one of the senior teams.