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Membership Fees and Board 2013

Hej All members of LUGI Rugby Club! Thank you for a long but very valuable Annual General Meeting. During the meeting a new board was elected: General Committee Members: Gabriella Westerdahl, President Mia-Maria Nordlund Paolo Cifani Göran Sterner Linus Persson Ana Pejic Joakim Thilén Alternating Members: Digeo Guneot Emma Lönsjö Read more…

Lugi Rugbyklubbs Årsmöte 2013

Kallelse till Lugi Rugbyklubbs Årsmöte 2013 Tid: Onsdagen den 13 mars, kl. 19:00 Plats: Klubbhuset Dagordning (i enlighet med stadgarna) 1. Mötets öppnande 2. Fastställande av röstlängd 3. Val av ordförande 4. Val av sekreterare 5. Val av justeringsperson tillika rösträknare 6. Frågan om årsmötets behöriga utlysande och beslutsmässighet 7. Read more…

Shades of Rugby 2013

Last year the ladies team decided to make a calendar to celebrate Lugi Lions RFC 40th anniversary. “Shades of Rugby 2012” was a huge success among family, friends and  within the swedish rugby community and this is why we have decided to make another one. We are now working on Read more…

End of Season Dinner 2012

It is finally time for the Grande Finale of the season 2012. The end of season dinner will be held in the fancy restaurant Cornelis at Kårhuset the 15th of December at 18.30 sharp. We will be serving a three course dinner, including fabulous entertainment with presentation of awards. When Read more…

Halloween Party 2012

Winter is coming and it’s time again for the Lugi Lion’s Halloween Party. On October 27th, from 7pm the Lugi Lion’s Clubhouse will host a terrifying, mystifying, electrifying party to which you are all invited. For paying members it will be free, however for friends and naughty fee-skippers it will Read more…