6 Nations Finale
6 nations triple header today. I look forward to sharing a beer with all of you. 3.30 pm Scotland v Italy (food will be arranged during the game) 6 pm Ireland v England 8.30 pm: France v Wales
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The default category. Everything else is a sub-category of news.
6 nations triple header today. I look forward to sharing a beer with all of you. 3.30 pm Scotland v Italy (food will be arranged during the game) 6 pm Ireland v England 8.30 pm: France v Wales
Congratulations to all Lugi players and supporters for a fantastic weekend of rugby. If you haven’t already, you can check out the games below. Lugi Ladies vs Atilla Lugi Ladies vs Malmö Lugi Ladies vs Stockholm Exiles Semi-Final: Lugi Ladies vs Göteborg Final: Lugi Ladies vs Stockholm Exiles Lugi Men Read more…
På årsmötet 2/3 2011 beslutades om medlemsavgifter 2011. Dessa är följande: Senior – 1200kr helår 700kr halvår Junior – 600kr helår Support medlem – 300kr (Oldboys, Familj, Vänner, Fans och andra Lugi Lovers…) Betala till kontant till Olof Carlsson eller Mia-Maria Nordlund eller betala till vårat postgiro konto 797887-7. Betalar ni Read more…
Dear Lugi Lions/Lionesses, I hereby summon you to attend the annual meeting of Lugi Rugby Club at the club house on Wednesday, 2nd of Mars, 2011 at 7 p.m. The agenda for the meeting will be sent via email from Lugi googlegroups. Contact Kerstin Lövendahl, chairwoman of the nominating committee, if you want Read more…
Grattis till Kerstin och hela Lugi Damar. http://www.sydsvenskan.se/sport/ http://cdn.sds.se/bildspel/PTIrugby/