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Game day!

Hello Girls, Today it is game day! We meet at the clubhouse at five o’clock to get ready to the game together which starts at seven. Also all spectators are very welcome to come to the game and watch!! So tell you family and friends to come down to the Read more…

Open Training Day Report

(saxat från http://blmrksbloggen.blogspot.com ) Helgen – Rugby på många vis! Dagen började kl 9.15 vid Lugi´s klubbstuga. Vi bytte om gjorde oss redo för en riktigt härlig träningsdag. Vi hade superväder, årets hittils varmaste och soligaste dag. Supertränare, självaste Andy T hade tagit bilen ända ner till skåne för att Read more…

IRB Rugby Ready!

The following is an extract from www.irbrugbyreay.com. Register for free on the website and read through the articles. At the end of each article there is a very easy multi-answer question and when you have completed the test you will know a bit more about the game and a lot more about safety. Everyone Read more…